Something I have been working on the past few weeks is starting a gratitude journal. Gratitude is appreciating what you have been given. But how can the attitude of gratefulness change your perspective? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 states, “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Does being grateful mean being more like Jesus Christ our elder brother?
My whole life I have been taught the fruits of the spirit which is located in Galatians 5:22-23. Although it does not state that gratitude is one of them we can see how gratefulness plays into some of the fruits of the spirit.
The first of the fruits is love. You may be thinking being grateful and loving are two completely different components of God’s way of life. Although they may be separate parts, all of God’s laws and words are meant to work together to show us the right way to live, so they should be compared somehow. If you look up the meaning of gratitude in the dictionary this is one of the first definitions you will find, “The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” Love can be put into this definition. See love starts with appreciation for others and the way they treat you. This is the same for what Jesus Christ did for us.
With love and gratefulness you should be on your way to being eternally peaceful on God’s narrow path. Psalm 147:7 says something along these lines, “Sing to the lord with a grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp.” When we come closer to God and begin seeing all the blessings he has given us we will be at peace and our world. Also, because we have God’s great promises to show (physically, like the rainbow arch) it gives us joy knowing our creator will never forsake us. Now that is something to jot down in your gratitude journal.
I know for me the hardest fruit of the spirit to possess is patience. In today’s world we all somehow end up in a hurry to move on to another task or event. Taking time to see what great things God has bestowed upon you can give you patience in waiting to end a trial or waiting for another blessing. Whether it is the small things like having enough money to pay for gas, or big things like being able to buy a house, there is always something that shows a spiritual silver lining.
Just remember, like anything else, feeling grateful and expressing that to God takes work and dedication. You have to figure out what things you have gratitude for. Let me pose a question, if you were asked to write a paper on three things that helped shape you to be the person you are today, would God be one of them? I hope your answer to that question is yes, but if not know that it should be your goal. He should be the number one driving influence in your life.
A new component to my blogs, a prayer to close with!
Pray with me!
Almighty God, father in heaven, I pray you bless whomever may be reading this article. I pray that you allow their eyes to be opened to all of your wonderful blessings and promises. God I ask on behalf of the person reading this that you will help them through whatever season of life they are in. Just like you say in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we should give thanks in all circumstances, help us achieve that goal. Lord, I pray that you will bless the mind and heart of your children. I pray that you will bless them in every way possible. May they find comfort in your word. Thy will be done! Thy kingdom come! In Jesus Christ name I pray, amen!